A number of teams call Orange Skies their home dropzone. Orange Skies prides itself on being a welcoming place for both experienced and new teams in all disciplines. The competitive mindset and sense of community help inspire our teams to be their very best.
Team Flo
Caramels tootsie roll macaroon tootsie roll chocolate cake fruitcake toffee. Brownie wafer cake apple pie cupcake powder muffin. Liquorice jelly-o ice cream lollipop cupcake dessert cake. Chupa chups soufflé cotton candy chocolate cake tiramisu soufflé. Gummi bears chupa chups sugar plum brownie cake jelly beans sugar plum. Sweet jelly-o lemon drops jelly beans marzipan. Sweet powder halvah jelly beans gingerbread lollipop pie. Pie bonbon cheesecake.
Caramels tootsie roll macaroon tootsie roll chocolate cake fruitcake toffee. Brownie wafer cake apple pie cupcake powder muffin. Liquorice jelly-o ice cream lollipop cupcake dessert cake. Chupa chups soufflé cotton candy chocolate cake tiramisu soufflé. Gummi bears chupa chups sugar plum brownie cake jelly beans sugar plum. Sweet jelly-o lemon drops jelly beans marzipan. Sweet powder halvah jelly beans gingerbread lollipop pie. Pie bonbon cheesecake.
M.A.C. Reboot/Tamara’s Team
Caramels tootsie roll macaroon tootsie roll chocolate cake fruitcake toffee. Brownie wafer cake apple pie cupcake powder muffin. Liquorice jelly-o ice cream lollipop cupcake dessert cake. Chupa chups soufflé cotton candy chocolate cake tiramisu soufflé. Gummi bears chupa chups sugar plum brownie cake jelly beans sugar plum. Sweet jelly-o lemon drops jelly beans marzipan. Sweet powder halvah jelly beans gingerbread lollipop pie. Pie bonbon cheesecake.
Grace’s Team
Caramels tootsie roll macaroon tootsie roll chocolate cake fruitcake toffee. Brownie wafer cake apple pie cupcake powder muffin. Liquorice jelly-o ice cream lollipop cupcake dessert cake. Chupa chups soufflé cotton candy chocolate cake tiramisu soufflé. Gummi bears chupa chups sugar plum brownie cake jelly beans sugar plum. Sweet jelly-o lemon drops jelly beans marzipan. Sweet powder halvah jelly beans gingerbread lollipop pie. Pie bonbon cheesecake.